North Hills 2019 Year End Review & 2020 Outlook

A new decade always brings about reflective thinking on how things have changed over the prior decades.

At North Hills, the six decades of change are notable. In 1960, Six Forks Road was barely more than a dirt road. A few years later I-440 opened bringing an interchange to the area along with North Hills Mall. In 1968, the shopping center was converted to the first indoor two-level mall between Washington D.C. and Atlanta. In the 1970s, North Hills Mall was a thriving retail destination. In the 1980s, under new ownership and with new competition, the mall began to lose market share. In the 1990s, North Hills Mall and the area struggled as commercial buildings became outdated and obsolete. Entering the year 2000, a big vision with new ownership was in place that began the 2.0 version of transformation for North Hills. In 2010, North Hills was a thriving mixed-use area of retail and restaurants, with limited residential, office and hotel options. But in 2010, the initial phase of urban developments began to open with the arrival of CAPTRUST Tower and Park & Market. As we enter 2020, North Hills has a significant skyline and density of office, residential and hotel towers amongst thriving national and local merchants. What will North Hills be like in the next decade?

Photo by Chris Lewis

Innovation, Trending, VisionJoe Cory